Wednesday, January 9, 2013

My Journey

            56.8%. Failing. Nearly academically ineligible. I began the 2012-13 school year with this miserable F in AP English following a summer of blogs, comments and annotations. I do not admit proudly, yet I will confess that Ms. Serensky felt that my summer blogs and comments merited a 68%. Now I understand that I did not perform to my highest ability on a single blog over the summer. I even bored myself with some of them, but upon receiving that D+, it opened my eyes that maybe Ms. Serensky does in fact read all 40 or so blogs each week and grade them for quality rather than simply completion. Therefore, when our maestro told us that our final exam consists of a series of blogs, and that our personal writing experience will continue, I saw it as a chance at redemption. A shot to show her and my classmates that if I want to, I can write with heart, passion, and a unique voice. I am not naive enough to say that I have the grammar skills or polished writing of a Meghan Judge, however I will write an interesting and entertaining piece for the enjoyment of my teacher and peers. However, the assignment tells me to first discuss my most well-written blog, and I shall obey the task at hand. 
             Ergo, I believe that my most recent work, which I titled "The Oracle?", serves as my best in terms of style, mechanics, and complexity. Above all else, I feel proud of the way that I presented the blog, while I simply wrote in the first-person viewpoint, I utilized an inanimate object as my narrator which I found very challenging at first. Yet as I grew more comfortable with the idea, I began to have fun with the project and find an amusing voice to fit to the narrator. Also, I very much like the organization I used in the writing. An introduction, and then three very specific events which I analyzed in great detail, split into four separate paragraphs. In short, I pride myself most grammatically on this piece I call "The Oracle?".
             My second task tells me to discuss my most interesting blog over the course of the semester and one clearly jumps out in my mind. I titled it, "This means WAR!" and focused the piece around adultery and my perception of the class' opinion of it. I enjoyed psycho-analyzing the personalities in the class and making predictions upon which side they would support. I feel I presented the matter in a very compelling manner which manifests as true seeing as how I received two comments on the post. Furthermore, the general topic of the writing excited me and made me delve into human nature which always proves interesting. Yet to conclude, the two comments greatly flattered me and led me to believe that I wrote this one best.
             Finally, the assignment dictates that I talk about my favorite remark someone commented on my blog. It appears underneath a blog that won me a spot on the blog show which I titled, "Flaw in the Establishment." My ex-writing partner, Alyssa Marquette made the statement and I just find myself a little jealous that I did not think to include it in my original post for it relates so well. Her final sentence reads, "The pigeons may poop on us stone statues today, but we must stay calm to stand even taller tomorrow." I wish I had collaborated with Alyssa so that I had had the intuition to close out my blog with this sentence however I am quite content with seeing it as a comment. 
               To close I would just like to say one final sentence: Blogs have served as my nemesis, yet I try with each passing week to turn them into a friend. 

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